Monday 23 December 2019

Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for a fantastic year in Room 13. I am so proud of how far the children have come and how much they have achieved! 

The photos below are from Room 13's first day of school and then their last day of school. It's so lovely to see how much they have changed!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay safe and I hope to see you all around school next year. 

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Koru Whanau Celebration Assembly

Last week we had the Koru Whanau celebration assembly. Every class performed an item and there were some special certificates given out. 
Ashley and Harry both received Learning for Life
Awards and Callum and Iyra both received a GEMS Values Award. 

Room 13 also performed a Christmas song in the assembly. I didn't get a video of it on the day but they got to perform again at the end of last week and Miss Fullard took a video of it. 

I was so proud of how well they did!

Sunday 8 December 2019


Earlier in the week Samantha, Emily, Elsa and Harry received certificates for finishing Quick 60!

At our whole school assembly on Friday Jerry was given a certificate for his Yearbook design. He was the Year 1 winner!

Miranda received a Principal's Award for the Empathy she shows towards her friends. Amazing!

Well done to all of you! 

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Athletics Day

Last Friday we had our Junior Athletics Day. It was such a fun day in the sun. 
We had lots of different activities to do such as running races, hurdles, long jump and skipping. 
Check out the photos below to see us in action!

Saturday 23 November 2019

Hula Hoop Fun

Yesterday we went out in the sun with our buddy class. We all had a hula hoop and were showing each other the cool tricks we could do.
Some Room 13 children were so good at doing the hula hoop and so they were teaching Miss Stulhmann and Miss Bycroft how to do it!
We had a lot of fun!

Congratulations Jackson!

At our last whole school assembly, Jackson received the Principal's award for always showing empathy towards his friends. 
Well done Jackson!

Thursday 14 November 2019

A Fantastic Assembly

Last Friday Samantha and Kayden received certificates at the Koru Whanau assembly. They have been working so hard with everything they do!

Room 13 also showed their firework art to everyone. Some children read their stories out. We have been trying to add adjectives to our writing and we were able to use so many when writing about fireworks!